1. What is Feng Shui?
2. What will I learn in these on-line classes?
3. I have already read a lot of books and/or studied elsewhere.
Can I start with the Intermediate or Advanced Class?
4. How does this on-line class work?
5. How do I register for the on-line Beginning Feng Shui class?
6. Can I begin online classes right away?
7. Do I need anything else to take the classes?
8. How do I log on?
9. How do I find my password, if I have lost it?
10. How do I ask a question on the bulletin board?
11. How long to I have to complete the class?
12. Will I receive a certificate?
13. Can I repeat the class?
14. How do I register for the next class after I have completed an earlier class?
15. How do I log on the Intermediate or Advanced Class?
16. Can I log on to the bulletin board without going through the class room?
17. What if I have an administrative question, not on the class materials?
18. Can I mix classes in your classroom with on-line classes?
19. What is the difference between the on-line classes
and the classes held in Los Angeles (or elsewhere)?
20. Who are the instructors in the on-line classes?
21. My English isn’t very good. Do you have these classes in other languages?
22. After I finish the classes, how can I ask questions?
23. How do I become a Feng Shui practitioner?
24. What if I lose my PDF class material or ebook?
25. What is your cancellation and refund policy?
26. What if I have other technical questions?
27. How can I contact the Institute?
1. What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is the study of how the environment affects those who dwell in it. It literally means wind and water. Feng Shui can help you determine the best home to live in, which colors can help enhance your home, the best bed positions for deep sleep, and how to change your business or home into a center of power. Feng Shui can help improve your health, your relationships and your prosperity. It is a complex scientific calculation, rather than a metaphysical reading relying on inspiration or intuition. We live in a planet that is filled with different energies. Our planet rotates on its axis, creating cycles of day and night. The earth also revolves around the Sun in yearly cycles and is subjected to various gravitational and magnetic fields. Our solar system is moving through space and is also subject to other forces in the Universe.These physical forces and many different time cycles affect us profoundly. The Chinese have spent centuries observing the effects if these forces and learning how to better harmonize humans with their environment. this is the science and art of Feng Shui.
2. What will I learn in these online classes?
These are the same classes we offer in our classroom in Los Angeles. Learn step-by-step how to position yourself in the natural order of the Universe to generate good health, wealth, and peace of mind. Develop the profound ability to examine the unique ‘energy blueprint’ of your home or any building to reveal its past, present and future potential. In addition, build a solid foundation for the practice of Feng Shui by studying its underlying theories.
FS101 – Beginning Feng Shui, Learn:
* History of Feng Shui
* East West Theory
* Yin/Yang
* The Nine Floating Numbers
* Five Elements
* The Environment
* Eight Trigrams
* The Solar System
FS102 – Intermediate Feng Shui, Learn:
* The Internal Environment
* The External Environment
* The Luo Shu
* The Xuan Kong Method of Feng Shui
Pre-requisite: FS101 – Beginning Feng Shui
FS201 – Advanced Feng Shui, Learn:
* Advanced Xuan Kong floating numbers method
* Analyzing and remedying the four house types
* What makes a house “locked” for a certain time period
* Advanced interpretation of the calculations
Pre-requisite: FS102 – Intermediate Feng Shui
Uncover the heart of your home and its relationship to universal forces. Develop the profound ability to examine a building’s “energy blueprint” to reveal its basic nature and its potential Learn what remedies to prescribe for your home as it progresses throughout its nine cycle life span.
3. I have already read a lot of books and/or studied elsewhere. Can I start with the Intermediate or Advanced Class?
The fundamentals learned in the Beginning through Advanced classes are your foundation to build upon in further study. Everything learned in the advanced levels require an extremely good understanding of the basics. It is vital to study under the same Master. This is because the information learned is most accurate and consistent. Feng Shui was passed down poetically and in its early days was not usually written down. People would hear about remedies and theories used and take them out of context. We want to ensure that all of our graduates learn the proper theories and techniques of Feng Shui so that they can extend proper guidance to those who seek it. In addition, different teachers may include different materials in their beginning classes. So what was covered in another teacher’s class or another author’s book may be quite different than what is in our Beginning Class. In fact, there are different styles of Feng Shui, so what is taught by one teacher may be considered false by another teacher. And finally, since Feng Shui comes from the Chinese language, the terminology in English may be quite different between different teachers. If the terminology presented in the Beginning Class is not clearly understood, there will be confusion in the more advanced classes. For these reasons it is our policy for all of our students to study with us from the Beginning Class level.
4. How does this on-line class work?
The On-Line classes feature:
* Easy navigation
* Self-tests at the end of each module
* A discussion board with trained Institute instructors
* Audio Clips for pronunciation
* A real-time chat board
* An “Instant Feedback” final exam
You do not need to be on-line at any particular time. It is all done at your own pace. There are two parts to the classes:
a) The on-line class materials can be studied at your own pace. You may study the class on-line or print the materials. You
may need to click on the screen you want to print, before telling the computer to print it. You have 60 days to complete the coursework.
b) There is a bulletin board or on-line forum where you can ask your questions. The instructors should generally respond within 24 hours, and often sooner. Posting a question is similar to writing an email. The difference is that it does not go to a mailbox, but instead is posted on a web page, as is the answer. This way, all students in a class can read the questions and answers of all the other students. In fact, the questions posted go back a few years, and you can search the database to
research your questions.
5. How do I register for the on-line Beginning Feng Shui class?
a. To register or view the list of classes we offer, please visit our online class catalog.
b. Scroll down to Course Description box inside box to the right of FS101 – Beginning Feng Shui.
c. Click Enroll Now.
d. Follow the instructions from there. There are three forms to fill out. One is for your payment. One is for access to the class materials, and one is for access to the bulletin board. Please make sure you fill out all three sections. Details below: The on-line registration forms will take your name, address, and credit card information. This information is sent via a secure server. Also, we do not give out your information to anyone else. Please do NOT e-mail credit card information. After the payment form, you need to pick your username and password. The username must be 12 or less letters. It is case sensitive. The password must be all lowercase letters. You must select the user name and password twice: once for the class materials and once for the bulletin board. We suggest that you use the same username and password for both. Please make note of your choices somewhere. Please allow a few days for your order to be processed and access given to the class. You will receive confirmation of enrollment by email.
6. Can I begin online classes right away?
Yes, online classes can begin right away with credit card or PayPal purchase. Sorry, we don’t accept wire money transfers.
7. Do I need anything else to take the classes?
No. However, we would suggest ordering Master Sang’s book, The Principles of Feng Shui, and Sang’s LoPan compass. Eventually, you will need a compass. You can use the type purchased from a sporting goods store, as long as it has the degrees marked on it. However, a compass made for Feng Shui, called a luopan, is more convenient. To order on-line go to our online bookstore ordering system.
8. How do I log on to the bulletin board/discussion board?
Go to http://www.amfengshui.com/forums/ and log in using the User Name and Password that you set up when you registered, or that we gave you if you did not complete the registration yourself. Click into the class you are taking. This will take you to the class discussions. The first time you enter the bulletin board, please introduce yourself to the group. This way you can get to know each other and also make sure you know how to use the bulletin board.
9. How do I retrieve my password?
If you have forgotten your password, please go to Forgot Password. Enter your username and email address.
10. How do I ask a question on the bulletin board?
This Forum functions much like email and also has the capability to upload graphics (i.e. floor plans & photos) as well as topic searches for past inquiries. To ask a question, click on ‘Post New Topic.’ Write your question, then click submit.’ You will receive an email when your question has been answered. We prefer that you ask all questions related to the class within the appropriate class forum.
11. How long do I have to complete the class?
You have 60 days to complete the class. Some people complete the classes in a day or two, however, e suggest you use the entire time allotted to browse the forum and learn from other’s questions and answers.
12. Will I receive a certificate?
Yes. After finishing AFSI’s Advanced Feng Shui class, you receive a Certificate of Completion.
Please let us know what address to which the Certificate of Completion should be sent, if the address is different from the address you registered with, please notify us.
Additionally, let us know precisely how you want your name written on the certificates if it is different than the name you registered with.
When you have earned your Certificates of Completion, this basically states the American Feng Shui Institute (AFSI) has given you the necessary classes for you to be able to do a Feng Shui Analysis on structures. Please do not confuse this with an official licensing or certification as there are no legal requirements for practitioners nor official state board regulating the practice of Feng Shui at this time.
There is a $45 fee to repeat the Beginning or Intermediate Class online. The Advanced Class is $75 to repeat. This gives 60 days of access to the class and bulletin board. You may also repeat a class in our Los Angeles classroom (or if we have classes in another city) for $45 per day, if we have space. Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in repeating a class.
14. How do I register for the next class after I have completed an earlier class?
At the end of each class, there is a registration form for the next class. If you no longer have access to a class, you can call, fax, or email us. Please do not email your credit card information. Phone: (626) 571-2757 or e-mail: [email protected]
15. How do I log on the Intermediate or Advanced Class?
Log on using the same username and password. The only difference is that you must click on the Intermediate or Advanced Class, instead of the Beginning Class.
16. Can I log on to the bulletin board without going through the class page?
Yes. Go to http://www.amfengshui.com/forums/ and log in.
17. What if I have an administrative question, not related to the class materials?
Then you can email us at [email protected]
18. Can I mix classes in your classroom with on-line classes?
Yes. For example, you may take the Beginning and Intermediate Classes on-line, and then take the Advanced Class in out classroom in Los Angeles (or wherever else it may be offered). The class material is the same. Even the instructors are the same ones who teach in the Los Angeles.
19. What is the difference between the on-line classes and the classes held in Los Angeles (or elsewhere)? The class material is the same. The instructors are the same (you can read more about them at www.amfengshui.com/instructors There are some differences, however. In a classroom, the experience is more intense and concentrated. Online you can work at your own pace. The only other difference is that we have a field trip in the Advanced Class which cannot be replicated on-line.
20. Who are the instructors in the online classes?
The instructors are the same ones that teach in our classroom in Los Angeles (you can read more about them at http://www.amfengshui.com/instructors. They have all studied very closely with Master Sang for many years. They have all taught Feng Shui extensively in our classroom in Los Angeles and elsewhere. They all have their own consulting businesses and lots of practical experience in Feng Shui. Master Sang has personally approved them for teaching these classes.
21. My English isn’t very good. Do you have these classes in other languages?
Not at this time. We may have some of the classes in Spanish or German in the future. Many of our students are not native English speakers. We welcome these students. It is not a problem if the questions you ask are not in perfect English. If you can read and understand this document, your English will be good enough to take the classes.
22. After I finish the classes, how can I ask questions?
When you enroll in the Advanced Class, we will also give you access to our Graduate forum. You can remain in this bulletin board indefinitely. You can post questions here after your classes finish. This forum is for Master Sangs students. Your questions may be answered by other students. Some of them are extremely knowledgeable. Some of our instructors are also in the forum, but they are not obligated to answer questions there. This forum is currently free for Master Sangs advanced students. Go to http://www.amfengshui.com/forums/ and log into the forum called Graduate Forums. A tip about the forum is that you can do a topic search, and most likely find that your question has been asked before.
23. How do I become a Feng Shui practitioner?
We receive many inquiries about becoming a Feng Shui practitioner. The following should help provide you with some basic information. You will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the Intermediate and Advanced classes. Please do not confuse this with licensing, since there currently are no legal requirements for Feng Shui practitioners. The Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced classes provide you with your “foundation” such as history, principles, methods and interpretations. There are many aspects to Feng Shui and one can use the analogy of comparing Feng Shui to an onion. As you peel the skin away, there are deeper and deeper layers to be discovered. The Advanced Case Study classes provide you with this deeper study that becomes the “walls” to build onto your foundation. In order to develop a deep understanding of Feng Shui so that you can extend the best guidance to your clients, then continued study at this level is essential.Your true study and practice will begin upon completion of the Beginning through Advanced classes. You will be able to utilize what you learned on your family & friends. It is through this process that you will face challenges with the application of your knowledge since there are no two readings that are alike. Once you are comfortable with what you know, then move on to helping others. We suggest that you do not charge until you are at the point where you no longer go back to make changes because you have learned something new. It is most important that you have confidence in your knowledge and you extend this confidence to your clients. Making errors can not only cause harm, but also damage your reputation when you have charged money prematurely. Master Sang recommends practicing on at least 50 environments before charging money. Most students build their reputation slowly and ease into a full-time career. I would advise cutting back on your present career gradually, as you get busier and busier doing Feng Shui consultations. It takes time to build a new career and good reputation as a Feng Shui consultant.As a student of the Institute, we are available to assist you with your study. We have an online forum for questions and answers, including a topic search.
24. What if I lose my PDF class material or ebook?
There will be a $10.00 processing fee for each PDF material requested. Please contact our office at (626) 571-2757 for additional information.
25. What is your cancellation and refund policy for in-person classes?
All institutional charges shall be returned to the registrant less a $50.00 cancellation fee, if cancellation notice is received prior to or on the first day of instruction. Any notification of withdrawal or cancellation and any request for a refund are required to be made in writing. Refunds shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of the withdrawal or cancellation notice and refund request.
The Institute does not participate in the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF).We are registered with the State of California. Registration means we have met certain minimum standards imposed by the state for registered schools on the basis our written application to the state. Registration does not mean we have met all of the more extensive standards required by the state for schools that are approved to operate or licensed or that the state has verified the information we submitted without registration form.
26. What if I have other technical questions?
You can email our webmaster at [email protected] for assistance regarding website issues, broken links, or other technical issues.
27. How can I contact the Institute?
American Feng Shui Institute
7220 N. Rosemead Blvd., Suite# 204
San Gabriel, CA 91775
phone: (626) 571-2757
[email protected]