With years of practice in Feng Shui, Master Sang has a huge amount of experience in Yang House and Yin House Feng Shui. The proper usage of graphs for an analysis is crucial. This information cannot be found written in any books. Do not miss this opportunity to receive the most valuable Feng Shui knowledge from Master Sang.
- The appropriate usage of the Nine Palace grid and a pie-chart graphs for an advanced Feng Shui analysis.
- Clarify misleading concepts in pie-chart usage for Yang House readings
- Learn proper pie-chart applications.
- Nine Palace grid application.
- Use the pie-chart to determine the water road and Sha directions in external environments.
- Use the pie-chart to determine the auspicious and inauspicious door directions
- Using the pie-chart and Nine Palace grid graphs together for a thorough; internal, external and professional analysis
- A comparison of the Nine Palace grid and pie-chart inside a house that is not square.
Introduction to the Nine Palace Grid & Pie-Chart Graph Class
FS275OL – Forum
Here is the class Question and Answer forum. You can access it here as a lesson page, or you can click on the Main Menu and go to Forums/Feng Shui Class Forums/FS275OL – Nine Palace Grid and Pie-Chart Graph Usage. Please search and review the questions already asked before posting. There is a good chance […]
Class Presentation
This is the presentation for the 9 palace grid class. You will learn examples of how to properly grid the building.