Welcome Beginners!!

Home Forums Announcements Feng Shui Stories Welcome Beginners!!

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 19 years ago by Anonymous.
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      Hi beginners: Welcome to AFSI. I am writing this to share my experience with you. What I write here is only my own opinion. I would like to welcome any opinions and share your experiences with me when you reach my level of learning, that is, after the Advance Class.

      I joined few months ago (4 months to be exact). When I joined I was a rookie, I’d heard and experience FS though my sisters and is curious to learn and maybe become a FS expert too. Feng Shui, as presented by KCET, also aroused my curiosity and had contributed a lot to my drive towards learning this science.

      With my full time job, a family to take care of, and a hectic schedule. I feel very lucky to have found this FS class on-line.

      When I started, I categorize myself as one of the dummies in FS. The beginning class took me 3-4 repetitious reading and serious concentration to memorize. The AFSI also encourages all students to join the bulletin board and experience for yourself what others had gone through. I personally find this very rewarding. The bulletin board is full of practical informations that supplements the theoretical book.

      As I finish Intermediate Class I found it not hard to become a FS practitioner, as I was able to turn around and solve problems easily. In fact, I finished both courses in less than 60 days. I was eager and ready to apply all the remedies, even remodel part of my house to improve my life! What puzzled me is the instructors kept saying “do not do anything yet, wait till you get to the advance classâ€

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