Unlucky in Romance

Home Forums Chinese Arts CA101A – Beginning Face Reading Unlucky in Romance

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    • #70135

      If a woman has had a history of unlucky relationships with men, but has no key indicators on her face as discussed so far in the course documents, is there another way to tell if she’ll ever find a good mate?

      I’m sure there are alot of us out there who would like to know the answer to this one! 😉

    • #101645

      The face reading classes are fun and truly show that there is a road map right on our faces to indicate some things that can happen.

      I noticed that none of your questions have been answered so I looked up who is moderating the Face Reading Forum.

      It appears that only Chris and Master Sang are listed as moderators.

      I suggest you contact Chris directly to see if he has time to answer your questions. Master Sang of course is terribly busy and has been out of town most of the year.

      A woman’s face might indicate her luck with romance, but the 4 pillars is even more revealing and the feng shui of the house can also reveal if a woman has challenges in that department.

      Keep studying!


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