Announcing Two Intensive Classes with Master Sang: June 2006

Home Forums Announcements News & Announcements! Announcing Two Intensive Classes with Master Sang: June 2006

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    • #68434

      Hello Lorraine,

      Would Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology offer deeper knowledge of Traditional Feng Shui? The intensive course description did not mention its relation to Feng Shui.



    • #95273

      Hi Hambone,

      Zi Wei Dou Shu is really separate from feng shui. Of course, there are some relationships; everything is related. But overall, if you were hoping to come back with some additional feng shui techniques or understanding, I would say no.

      Sometimes, however, a client has a problem and you just cannot see it in their feng shui. However, when you look at the ZWDS chart, it may be shown quite clearly. Remember:
      1. fate
      2. luck
      3. fengshui

      ZWDS will teach one way to view a person’s fate and luck.

      Feng shui problems often have the benefit of being able to be neutralized by remedies. Problems in astrology usually cannot be remedied. However, insight may help a person find a strategy to deal with the problem, or understanding may lead to acceptance, or at least you can usually tell how long the problem will last.


    • #95274

      Are all these courses taught by Master Sang?

    • #95275

      Hi Hussain,

      Master Sang will teach sections and will be in and out for the whole time. However, it takes a lot of qi to teach 5 days a week so he will have help from people like Chris, Anhtien, me, and others.

      I am fairly sure the last two days of Zi Wei Dou Shu will be all Master Sang. The other days, we will help teach.


    • #95276


      I am trying to register for the first week’s cources from W – F. Please explain how can I do this?

      Also, can you please help with places to stay near the classes for people coming from outside the country?

      Thank you, Fateh

    • #95277

      Hi Fateh,

      Great that you are coming!

      To register, go to and follow the directions there. You put it in the shopping cart, and when you go to the shopping cart, you pick the week that you want. The directions are on this page. (Or did you do that and have problems? If so, tell me what the problem was.)

      I will try to post hotel information tomorrow. We do have that information. Just give us one more day to put it up.


    • #95278

      Hi Everyone,

      This is the hotel list from last year. I am not sure if the prices have changed, but this is the general idea. Most people stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn Montebello last year and were happy with it.

      Here is Mildred’s message from last year:

      I just wanted to let you guys know that I have been doing some research regarding the prices of hotels in our area for the one week intensive. There are a couple of things that you need to know about the prices quoted to me. First important piece of information is that the prices quoted to me were based on group rate offers. These prices do not apply if only one student decides to go to one of these hotels on their own. As a result, it would be best to try to get most of our students to go to the same hotel in order to get the best deal for everyone. Second important piece of information is that, at every hotel, I spoke to a representative personally by phone and the prices that they quoted me will not be reflected in the links I am providing below. The prices that you will see on the links are their regular summer prices for the week of June 26, 2005 through July 3, 2005.

      As it stands now, I am just the gatherer of information and I will not be personally taking on the role of organizer for hotel reservations. Depending on how things pan out, this may or may not change. It is for this reason that I would like to hear feedback from all of you who are planning to attend. You can do this by either posting your response here or emailing us at [email protected]. Also, please let me know if there is anyone interested in sharing rooms. By sharing a room, the cost of the room will be split in two.

      Here is the information that I have gathered:

      Closest hotels: (approx. 1/2 mile from the Institute)

      Best Western
      420 Atlantic Blvd.
      Monterey Park, CA 91754

      Their prices range from $74 to $89 a night. They did not give us any discount because the intensive will be during the summer season. If you would like to look at photos and get more information about this hotel

      The next hotel that is close to the Institute is the Lincoln Plaza.

      Lincoln Plaza
      123 S. Lincoln Avenue
      Monterey Park, CA 91754

      They gave us a discounted price of $66 + tax per night.

      Hotels with a bit of luxury and a good price (approx. 3 miles from AFSI)

      Hilton Garden Inn Montebello
      801 N. Via San Clemente
      Montebello, CA 90640

      This hotel regularly charges $114 but they went down in price to $77 + tax per night. The price is the same for either one king size bed or 2 queen size beds. Some of the luxuries at this hotel are golf course, 24 hour business center, heated pool, fitness spa, refrigerator and microwave in every room, high speed internet access in every room, and wireless internet access in their lobby.

      If you would like to see photos of this hotel go to:

      The other hotel that offers some extras is the Holiday Inn Express Rosemead.

      Holiday Inn Express Rosemead
      705 N. San Gabriel Blvd.
      Rosemead, CA 91770

      This hotel charges $79 + tax per night. Some of the extras include golf course, pool, refrigerator, TV, Radio, laundry facility, near the Montebello Town Center, and breakfast.

      For more information on the Holiday Inn Express Rosemead

      Cheapest Hotels: (approx. 3 miles away from the Institute)

      There are 2 hotels that I found to be the cheapest. The first one is the Best Value Inn Rosemead.

      Best Value Inn Rosemead
      3327 N. Del Mar Avenue
      Rosemead, CA 91770

      The Best Value Inn quoted me a price of $50 + tax per night and they said they could probably go cheaper depending on how many people actually do come to their hotel.

      For more information about the Best Value Inn Rosemead

      The last hotel that I have information on is the Best Western Montebello.

      Best Western Montebello
      7709 Telegraph Road
      Montebello, CA 90640

      The Best Western Montebello quoted us a price of $50 + tax per night. This is a newly renovated hotel with a pool. For more information;jsessionid=B5B102B3437A2E12C433925F5CA4B1FA?propertyCode=05608#null

      Well everyone, I hope that you have found this information useful in planning your costs. I look forward to hearing from all of you.



    • #95279

      Will there be any classes (case studies, etc.) offered during July and August? I would love to make it to the Institute for refreshers and case studies, but I teach and we don’t finish school until late June.
      I checked the Institute calendars, but there’s nothing listed for July/August.

      Regards, Lydia

    • #95280

      Hi Lydia,

      I am sure there will be, but Master Sang is still out of town, and even when he is here, sometimes we don’t get out the schedule very early 😳

      So I cannot tell you which classes we will have, but I am sure on many of the weekends this summer we will have case studies and other more advanced classes.


    • #95281

      In this forum the person last year mentioned a group rate for the instuitute if all of the students stay at the same hotel. The Hilton Garden Inn sounds very nice, but will anyone else want to stay there? Is there a possiblity of car pooling? Please let me know if anyone else is interested.

      Thank you, Fateh

    • #95282

      Hi Fateh,

      The Montebello Inn has been very good to AFSI and I strongly recommend our students to try them. Last year, some students began making plans amongst themselves to share the cost of the room. They used either the bulletin board or they emailed us and we put them in contact with other students who were looking for a roommate for the intensive. Tomorrow, I will email all the students who have signed up for the intensive and direct them to this page to start discussing if they need roommates and if anyone is going to rent a car so that people can carpool together (since the Montebello Inn is about 2 miles from AFSI). Hopefully, this will get the conversation flowing.


      Mildred 😉

    • #95283

      Dear Mildred,

      please post the accomadation code for the Garden Inn. I am very concerned that I will not have a place to stay if I don’t make reservations soon.

      Thank you, Fateh

    • #95284

      Hi Fateh,

      I spoke to Jessica from the Garden Inn and she said their computer was not reflecting all of the dates of the Intensive but she fixed it now. She said that students should either mention “American Feng Shui Institute” or AFSI as a code. Either one should work just fine. The direct number for the Montebello Garden Inn is 323-724-5900.

      I am hoping that everything is fixed now. If you still have a problem getting a reservation with the proper discount, please email or call me and I will give you Jessica’s direct contact information.


      Mildred 😀

    • #95285

      Hi Mildred,

      I think I’m going to be staying at the Best Western Monterey Park Inn, only because I can walk to AFSI from there. The cheapest rate there was $71.10 a night, but that is for one bed. Has anyone made reservations yet? I don’t mind sharing a room, but since I’m not planning to rent a car, I need to stay close.


    • #95286

      Hi Karen,

      No one has told to me yet whether they are staying at the Best Western. This does not mean that no students are staying there; it is just that they have not mentioned it to me. If you would like to stay at the Montebello Inn but are deterred by the distance, I know for sure that one of our students staying there will be renting a car and she did offer to carpool some students back and forth as soon as she gets use to driving here.

      If you are still planning to stay at the Best Western, I guess that the best thing you can do is to see if they have room with two beds and, for the time being, reserve a room with one bed for yourself right now. Ask them how flexible they will be with you in case you need to switch to a room with two beds. In the meantime, I will keep my eye open for a student who mentions to me that they will be staying at the Best Western and would like to split the costs with a roommate.

      Please keep me posted if you decide to stay at the Best Western or at the Montebello. This way, I could try to get a roommate for which ever one you decide.


      Milderd 😉

    • #95287

      I have made the reservation for the Best Western, Atlantic Ave, which is only about a mile from AFSI. I was concerned about waiting too long. I got a room with one bed, but if someone decides to stay there and wants to share a room, let me know and I’ll ask about changing the room. Also, what is the air quality like in Monterey? I have a problem with allergies and asthma. I’m flying into LAX on Saturday, the 17th, at 1:59 p.m. Anyone need a ride from there around that time? Are there any sights to see that aren’t too far away? Since I’m coming in on Saturday, I may as well be a tourist for a day. I’ve never been to CA before.


    • #95288

      Hi Karen,

      Please note it is Monterey Park, not Monterey. There is a difference of a few hundred miles!

      Weather in Monterey Park, including a link for pollen count just below the five day forecast.

      Here is the air quality report:

      As for what to see… actually between LAX and Monterey Park I cannot think of two much. But LAX is near the beach. You could go north to Venice Beach to see some craziness and a nice beach.

      Beyond that, you could do to Disneyland, Hollywood, Universal Studios, our little Chinatown, etc. But in Los Angeles, nothing is close.

      If you let us know what you are interested in, perhaps we could come up with some ideas.


    • #95289

      Hi Karen,

      Sorry it took me so long to answer. I went on vacation and did not check into the website for a little while.

      As for your question, no one has told me that they are staying there yet. If I hear of anyone, I’ll let you know. Sorry I can be of much help at this time.

      Talk to you later.

      Mildred 😀

    • #95290

      Hi Mildred,

      Can you tell me a little bit about the neighborhood where the school is located? Since it’s close to the hotel I’m staying in, I’m thinking that it might be nice to walk each day. I’ve never been to California, so I don’t know what to expect. I’m so excited and really looking forward to this class. Thanks for being so patient and answering my many questions.

      Thank you,

    • #95291


      I’m interested in learning Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology, however, do you need the TIME a person was born to have an accurate astrology forecast or chart? I don’t have that information even for myself as I am not originally from the U.S. I don’t have a birth certificate, only a Naturalization to the USA. When I ask my mother what time i was born on my birth date, she replies that I was born around 6pm or 6:30pm around that time. She doesn’t know the exact time, only approximate and even that she may be incorrect by 2 hours.

      Please advise.

    • #95292

      Hi Monopoly808

      You do need birth info, but only within a two hour period.

      If you have an approximate time, you can make a few charts around the time period and see which fits best.

      In my case, my mother says one time and the birth certificate says 2 hours earlier. If I make both charts, it is obvious which one represents me, from my personality and certain life events.

      Sometimes it is hard to tell, but often you can.


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