A little story

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    • #66256

      Hi, I`d like to share a little of my personal experience since I started studying Feng Shui at AFSI.

      My apt. is Qian, sits to the NW, Const. Cycle 6. My bedroom is located, 50% in the North quadrant, and 50% in NW quadrant. At beginners Level, following East/West teachings , and as I was having sleep problems, I changed my bed location which was at the N quadrant, to SW direction, my best “D” direction to sleep, (I am KUN) and not a dramatic direction change for my Wife (ZHEN), but the bed had to be placed in the NW quadrant.

      After that, my wife, who usually sleeps very, very well, started to sleep very bad and to feel uncomfortable.
      Now at Advanced Level, I found that the SW quadrant of my home , where the bed is now, is 6p, 6m, 6 a. ! (metal-metal-metal)

      I think that such heavy metal combination was affecting my wife (Zhen = wood). Also, recently, I started to cough. Nothing to worry seriously, but I had not suffered any ill (not even a simple cold) since I started practicing Chi Kung (Qi Gong) 2 years ago. It surprised me. Again, I found that 6 metal is related to husband, owner, and to pulmonary diseases.

      I don`t want to place the bed back again in N quadrant because that quadrant is 2p, 1m, 1 a. Troubles in spousal relationships. I placed metal there and my marriage has never been so smooth.

      Back to the bed in SW quadrant, I placed 2 aquariums , one at each bed side, and things became normal for my wife and me, in matter of days! and I sleep well also.

      Being an engineer, my mind is used to logical thinking. Although I like and practice some chinese arts I never imagined Feng Shui was so exact and precise. I started to study FS because I have felt the effect of Qi in the human body (my own), and in order to help others and to help other people I know ( now and in the future) to differentiate between Traditional Feng Shui and folk beliefs.
      Your teachings really amaze me. I offer my respects. Any recommendattion?



    • #87925

      HI Gonzalo,
      Its great to hear stories where you have experienced the positive nature of feng shui. Sometimes the effects are not so noticible or obvious so people may become discouraged because they expect to see big results.
      By the way, Chris has set up a forum on the BB for feng shui stories. This would be a great story to add to the forum.

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